In-Kind Gifts
In-Kind Gifts are very impactful to our mission. Children in our programs are always in need of the basic necessities we so often take for granted. Your donation of clothes, hygiene products, food, diapers, medical supplies, art supplies, and other much-needed items from our current needs list go directly to help a child in need throughout the year.
Check back often as our needs list change!
Items can be dropped off to our development department Monday - Friday 8am to 5pm.
Your donation of a service can make a huge impact on the children and families in ACH care. From auto repairs to contracting services, graphic design to printing, your support through an in-kind donation goes a long way!
Current Needs
Men's and Woman's Hygiene Products
Shampoo & Conditioner​
Deodorant (non-aerosol)
Liquid Body Wash
Ethnic Hair Products
Gift-Cards (Wal-Mart, Gamestop, etc.)
Toothbrushes & Tooth paste
Suitcases & Duffle Bags
Tissues, Paper towels, Napkins
Household Items
Lamps and room decorations​
Decorative Rugs
Kitchen Supplies
Sunscreen & Bug Spray
Sheets & Comforters (Twin XL)
Young-Adult Books
School Supplies
Cleaning Supplies